What to Eat for Breakfast, According to Your Star Sign
Trying to decide what to eat for breakfast every morning can be a challenge, especially if you're not a morning person. I hear there are people who genuinely enjoy making breakfast at 6 am on a weekday, but I'm yet to meet one. Even those who, like me, love nothing more than whipping up ricotta pancakes or putting on a full English spread on a Sunday can't always be bothered with anything more than instant porridge when they're short on time. If you're over it too, why not let your star sign inspire you to step up your game? Maybe waking up to a meal purported to align with your ~universe-granted personality traits~ will make hitting the Snooze button slightly less appealing? I don't know, but I reckon it’s worth a try.
Keep scrolling to discover your go-to brekkie and hit refresh on your morning routine.
Libra (24 September to 23 October)
Try: Buddha Bowl
Your obsession with balance and symmetry extends to your diet, so it’s no surprise you prefer meals that offer up a bit of everything. (You also tend to eat the same thing day after day.) Buddha bowls may seem intimidating, but can actually be a snap to throw together. The key is prepping ingredients ahead of time. Do a bulk batch of roasted vegetables, boiled eggs and quinoa on a Sunday, then all you’ll have to do to is crack an avo, plate up and dig in.
Scorpio (24 October to 22 November)
Try: Omelets du Jour
Your passionate nature means you tend to get obsessed with something fast—eating it day and night—then are over it just as quickly. To keep yourself interested you might need to shake things up more than the average person, so it makes sense to choose a dish that’s able to be reinvented time and time again. An omelette makes a great base for pretty much anything and doesn’t require much effort. Feeling especially lazy? Just add cheese.
Sagittarius (23 November to 21 December)
Try: Dessert-y Smoothie
Sagittarius is full of energy and on a schedule—they don’t have the time or inclination to be messing about with pots and pans when they could be kicking goals instead. Green smoothies are cool but for extra inspo consider dressing up a basic protein smoothie with luxurious ingredients. Banana and peanut butter (or any slightly salty nut butter) is a match made in heaven. Add cacao nibs and you’ll swear you’re eating dessert.
Capricorn (22 December to 20 January)
Try: Gourmet Oats
Your tendency towards the practical and ambitious means you’re a perfect candidate for oats. (The overnight variety is inarguably practical, and the slow-cooked steel cut kind is as ambitious as it gets.) Prepare them however you like, according to how you’re feeling. But whichever route you choose don’t forget to pep them up with delicious extras like poached fruit and granola, both of which can be made ahead of time.
Aquarius (21 January to 19 February)
Try: Miso Soup
You like to do things differently and wear your status as rebel of the zodiac on your sleeve. What everyone around you is having probably won’t appeal to you, but you might find inspiration in the eating habits of another culture. In Japan miso soup isn’t out of place at the breakfast table, providing nourishment and warmth with next-to-no effort. Make it yourself in advance or buy ready-made for convenience.
Pisces (20 February to 20 March)
Try: Crepes with Berries
Pisces are known to struggle with self-care and that extends to feeding themselves a proper breakfast. But instead of resorting to Up&Go, you could think about how a few short cuts could help you prepare something enticing. Frozen crepes are in every supermarket (even the gluten-free kind), and defrost in the time it takes you to shower. Fill with defrosted (or fresh) berries, and yoghurt. Nutella optional but encouraged.
Aries (21 March to 20 April)
Try: Ricotta Pancakes
You’re bold and adventurous but you can also be impatient. So why have we suggested ricotta pancakes? Because of the heft of the ricotta, this delicious breakfast option will keep in the fridge for a couple of days. And that means enjoyed this treat a lot more often. Once cooked they can even be reheated in a toaster. Top with maple syrup and bananas for a classic vibe, or go a bit wild with crushed nuts and date syrup.
Taurus (21 April to 21 May)
Try: Pimping a Croissant
Taureans like to take their time with things, which doesn’t bode well for an efficient morning. Choose something that’s pre-prepared, so you can add custom finishing touches yourself. A croissant never gets old and can be made sweet or savoury. Bung one in the oven to toast, then spread with butter and jam or fill with ham and cheese. Serve with coffee and enough time to ponder the mysteries of the world.
Gemini (22 May to 21 June)
Try: Muffin or Frittata
Geminis are both easily bored and always busy which can make it hard for them to get organised. The solution? Batch cook a bunch of healthy (or not—no judgement) muffins and frittatas so you’ll always have multiple sweet and savoury options to choose from. If you don’t have lots of freezer space, halve the recipes. You could also buy a couple of things from a bakery you like to have on hand for later.
Cancer (22 June to 22 July)
Try: Fancy Toast
Fact: You don’t need us to tell you that toast tastes really good. But for Cancerians—the sign that craves comfort perhaps more than any other—it can be nourishing of body and soul. If some hot bread isn’t enough to tempt you from your slumber, mix up the toppings. Pimp your smashed avocado with goat’s fetta and chives, or splash out on a gourmet berry jam and serve with ricotta on the side.
Leo (23 July to 22 August)
Try: Gourmet Fruit Salad
You’re theatrical and passionate so something simple is probably not gonna do it for you, especially if you’ll need to recreate it every day. A café-style fruit salad is right up your alley. Think: Unusual fruits (like dragon fruit or custard apple), a vanilla-spiked sugar syrup and a few torn mint leaves. Dollop coconut yoghurt on the side and get ready to upload to Instagram.
Virgo (23 August to 23 September)
Try: Chai Weet-Bix
Virgo is historically represented by the goddess of agriculture and wheat. With that said, what could be a better match for this earth sign than jazzed up Weet-Bix? To make them, bung your Weet-Bix in a bowl, sprinkle over a dash of ground ginger and vanilla sugar (or extract) and top with hot milk. (A few seconds in the microwave > messing around with a frother.)
Loved this? This Is the Morning Routine For You, According to Your Star Sign.