I Tested 7 Viral TikTok Cleaning Hacks. Here’s What Did and Didn't Work
These tricks have garnered millions of views, but do they even work?
TikTok is brimming with videos that promise to save you time and money. Whether it's cheap eats or organisational tricks, there's so much great content being pushed out on the daily. What has me intrigued though is the cleaning hacks.
I consider myself to be a tidy gal. I appreciate a nice clean space that's organised. I find it makes me less stressed and I feel accomplished when I do a thorough clean on a Sunday. But I'm also human, and sometimes I just can't be bothered. If there's a way I can get things done quicker and more effectively, I'm absolutely going to do it.
Spending an afternoon trialling cleaning hacks might not sound that enjoyable, but au contraire, it was thrilling. And if it really isn't your cup of tea, don't worry, I've done the hard work for you and will now share the TikTok cleaning hacks that did and didn't work for me so you don't have to trial them yourself.
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