7 Ways to Nest at Home For Dark Autumn Days Ahead
Make the most of chilly weather and longer nights by creating cosy rituals for the season ahead.
Across the US and Europe, the shift in the seasons is well underway. The clocks have gone back - making for dark nights that start around later afternoon; crunchy red leaves blow around the pavement and yikes - it’s time to crank the heating up.
The temptation to hibernate until spring is real. But there’s a lot to love about autumn and winter, and turning your home into a cosy retreat from the elements will take the edge off even the gloomiest of weather. With the following tips, you’ll find yourself embracing the shorter days and slow weekends. Happy hunkering.

Layer up
In the same way that you reach for more clothes in cold weather, apply this school of thought to your sofa and bed. You can never have too many blankets to snuggle up with - in fact, the more the merrier. From patchwork quilts to sheepskins, extra rugs and even more cushions, layer them liberally so that watching TV or reading in bed becomes a well-dressed affair. For extra points, prepare a hot water bottle 10 minutes before climbing in.
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Here's some more decor advice to get your home ready for the cool weather.