The month of August is going to encourage you to be bolder and more authentically yourself.

| By Meghan Rose | Entertainment

Your Monthly Horoscope for August Is Officially Here

The month of August is going to encourage you to be bolder and more authentically yourself.

The month of August is going to encourage you to be bolder and more authentically yourself. We start the month off strong with a Full Moon in Aquarius on the 1st which will help us release any patterns that keep us from thinking outside of the box. A few weeks later we have a New Moon in Leo arriving on the 16th that will help us manifest the type of life that allows us to shine and stand out from the crowd. This energy encourages us to speak up and speak loudly for what we want. The more we express ourselves through our self-talk, clothing, and home decor during this transit the better!

When the sun enters earthly and meticulous Virgo on the 23rd, you’ll want to tap into your organisational skills, rearrange your home and finally find a space for all of your knick knacks that are strewn about your space to bring a sense of inner peace. Virgo does a great job at turning mundane tasks into magical and lesson-filled experiences. There’s a reason that some of the most successful people still call making their bed a non-negotiable! On this same day Mercury (the planet of communication) starts a retrograde period that is also in the sign of Virgo, asking us to take a beat before we make any permanent decisions. Give yourself the time and space to think things through before signing or agreeing to anything that will have long-lasting effects.

The final days of August include Mars (the planet of sex, aggression and forward movement) in romantic and harmonious Libra. This transit will cause our sense of drive to originate from the heart. Anything that excites us will be rooted in love and balance, meaning that rest will have to be included in all of your action plans. On the 30th we have a second super Full Moon for the month in dreamy Pisces. Stay aware of what you’re dreaming (and daydreaming) about during this transit as they will hold important insights into what your inner voice is trying to communicate with you. Don’t be afraid to journal about what’s bubbling up to the surface on this day!

Want to know more about how to align with the stars this month? Read below for both your sun and rising sign to get the most accurate info for the month ahead!


With the Full Moon in Aquarius landing in your eleventh house of groups and community on the 1st, you would benefit from starting the month off with social plans! Try cooking for your closest friends or inviting some new faces over to your place. The more energy you put into your close relationships the better this month. Spring is upon us, and aligning with that bright and bubbly energy will bring you new opportunities to connect in ways that make you feel seen, heard, and understood in August and beyond. Prioritise your community and you will start to see how much your community prioritises you!


The month of August is going to be about your home space and also feeling at home inside of your own heart. When the New Moon in Leo arrives on the 16th and lands in your fourth house of home, family, and roots, you will notice that you feel more inclined to build a solid foundation with the ones you love… including yourself. Without a sense of stability, it’s hard to feel (or enjoy) your freedom, Taurus. Your home space is a visual representation of the love and safety that you cultivate inside. In August it will be more clear to you now than ever that your first home is the one that you find within yourself, but the home you occupy is a close second. With the fourth house in Astrology also ruling over family, ask yourself if your blood relatives or your chosen family are feeling a little neglected. If so, now might be the perfect time to host everyone who is free and feel that sense of closeness once again. There’s no better time than the present to bring your loved ones together! And remember: everyone’s families look different, there is no right or wrong way to define “family” in your own inner circle.


Gemini, when the Mercury retrograde happens on the 23rd in fellow Mercury-ruled sign Virgo, you will feel extra frazzled and confused about how and what to communicate with others. Remember that you don’t have to share everything with just anyone. Sometimes the best approach to a stressful point in time is to bring calm and relaxation before making any rash decisions or sharing “too much” too quickly. This month, I encourage you to spend some time going inward with a good book or your favourite comfort show when you get that urge to divulge your deepest secrets and insecurities. Instead of feeling like you need an immediate fix to the issues that crop up, you will actually feel a sense of healing by sitting with the discomfort and realising that these emotions have no power over you. After all, you are the twins of the zodiac, meaning you have twice as much power to deal with difficulty!


Cancer, you will start to see just how worthy and valuable you are this month when the New Moon in Leo lands in your second house of money and priorities. Spending an extra coin on yourself is actually a great energetic investment this month. This doesn’t mean spending blindly, but it does mean that the investment pieces you bring into your home will attract new opportunities for you due to this powerful lunation! It will be an important lesson for you to learn discernment this month: saying “no” to anything that is used to fill a void will benefit you just as much as saying “yes” to the things that truly add value to your life and your sense of self! There is a time and place for everything, my crabs, and August will remind you that the items you get value out of for years to come are more important than we often give them credit for.


Leo, with the New Moon arriving in your sign and lighting up your first house of self-expression on the 16th you will feel more “you” than you have in a long time! This is a great marker for new beginnings. You may find yourself moving, changing jobs, joining a new friend group, or starting the healthy habits that you’ve been meaning to integrate into your life for a while. Whatever change you’re making, know that it’s coming at just the right time! You will feel rejuvenated and confident by the time that August ends if you can honour where change is needed in your life and take action on this urge.


Virgo, with August marking the start of your season when the sun enters your sign on the 23rd, just know there will be more than one reason for you to celebrate this month! It seems like you are getting opportunities to shine with work and your social circle, and my only advice is this: don’t be afraid to take up space and stand out! You are just as worthy and deserving of your attention as the people you so willingly pour into. Instead of prioritising how others are feeling, let this month be the start of your self-prioritisation journey! That might mean more unplugged time, more sleep, more self-love, or more time alone. But whatever self-prioritisation looks like for you, lean fully into it. There is no need to keep up old chapters that are ready to be closed for good. You will start to see why it’s so important for your own vase to be full before you can pour into others, Virgo.


Libra, when the Full Moon in Pisces arrives on August 30th and lights up your sixth house of daily routines and habits, you will notice a shift in the way you think about the world around you. Instead of rushing out of the house, you might realise that the way you start each day has a direct effect on how the rest of your day goes. Eating a healthy breakfast, taking time to brew your own warm beverage, meditating for a few minutes, and making your bed can all directly impact your sense of self and well-being. But the start of your day is just as important as the end of your day. Maybe it’s important for you to unwind with a good book, or recant about the moments from your day that made you feel grateful to be alive. Whatever habits you’re ready to dedicate to, make sure that they’re happening each day and night to keep you on track. Your long-term goals aren’t met by coincidence, they start in your small daily routines and August is the perfect month to start to implement these small changes that make big impacts on your life’s trajectory Libra!


Scorpio, this month is all about your reputation and career. As the New Moon in Leo arrives on the 16th and lands in your tenth house of work and long-term goals, you will be tested to set boundaries between your professional life and your personal life. Instead of thinking that your work has to be simply transactional, can you recognize that the more blissful you feel in your off-time the better you perform when you go to work? There is something to be said about discernment, and the month of August is going to give you the opportunity to exercise this important skill! Take the month to kick your shoes off and throw on something comfortable when you get home and let work wait until tomorrow! It might seem simple, but over-thinking doesn’t help anything, and bringing work home with you is disruptive to the flow that the universe is encouraging you to get into.


Dearest Sag, with the Full Moon in Aquarius falling into your third house of socialising and friendships on the 1st, you would do best to have some close friends over for a fun night to relax and unwind together. If you have historically spent a lot of time out together, try to break the mould and dive deeper into your connection with an intimate night at home. Try card games, puzzles, or cooking together to ensure that you are all present and unplugged. This type of hangout is becoming obsolete, and you are just the sign to bring old-fashioned hangouts back!


Capricorn, when the sun enters fellow earth sign Virgo, you are finally going to feel like life is running smoothly again. Without fighting it, you will benefit from taking time alone this month to rest. But it’s important to note that rest is only effective when it’s enjoyed, meaning that if you are not in the right headspace to unwind, it won’t really “work”. As the hardest working member of the zodiac, that might mean making some adjustments to your space to get yourself in the headspace of resting. It’s time to invest in your bedroom and make it feel like a safe space to relax! Bringing plants, soft lighting, and dreamy textures will encourage your mind and body to dive deeply into this much-needed period of rejuvenation, leaving you feeling ready to take on the world each time you walk out of your home!


Aquarius, when the Full Moon arrives in your sign on the 1st of the month, your sense of self is going to be heightened and strengthened as the moon transits your first house of identity. Instead of playing small, allow August to be the time where you finally embrace your quirks and talents to their fullest potential. You are uniquely you and the world around you would benefit from you stepping into your self-confidence with full force! When you start to adorn yourself, your wardrobe, and your walls with clothing, art, and kindness, everyone else will be forced to step up with the way they approach you. You are raising the standards this month, and the right people are going to notice this shift in your energy!


Pisces, with a Full Moon in your sign arriving on the 30th, the month of August will feel like one continuous build-up to your happiest and most aligned day. The Full Moon will bring you an opportunity to find out who you are when all eyes are on you. You might be getting extra attention romantically or professionally, but understand that this attention is coming from your energy and aura starting to amplify and shine brighter than ever before. In order to feel comfortable with this newfound attention and sense of self, allow yourself to upgrade each part of your daily experience to ensure that you feel worthy of the new opportunities that are arriving. Something as simple as an inspirational book or stocking the fridge with your favourite, nutritional goods are both good places to start!

About the author

Meghan Rose is a world-renowned Astrologer, Tarot reader, and writer known for her horoscopes and her work with Astrological compatibility. She is based in Los Angeles but offers her work around the world to clients and brands looking to align with the ever-changing celestial energy. You can find her at www.themeghanrose.com , TikTok, or Instagram.

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